Windows Media Player Visualization Wiki
Distortion Satori

The Distortion visualization, set to the "Satori" preset.

Versions Available in: 11, 12
Current Status: 3rd Party Visualization
Developed by: Tim Cowley and Stephen Coy
Years Available: 2007 - Present
Random Preset: No
Related Visualizations: Album Art 3D, Bubbles, Gigertron 3D, Hypnobloom, Ribbons, Up Cuber
Full-Screen Controls: Yes

Distortion is a current visualization from the Psychedelia Viz Pack designed for Windows Media Players 11 and 12. It features waves, yellow stars representing the ratings, a blue sky, the words "apparently this is possible" that changes to media information if you have certain tags in your music in the following way: Title - Album - Artist, And an Image distorting the waves to the music. Depending on what album you are listening to on Windows Media Player, it will show that image on the waves.


  • Enlightenment
  • Mutant Camels
  • Purity
  • Satori